Carrot or Apple
• 11.5% NSC
• Flaxseed supplies good quality Omega 3 fatty acids
• Rolled oats are an excellent fiber source
• Carrots, high in antioxidants and vitamins
• Apples, high in fiber
Internationally recognized Speedi-Beet and Fibre-Beet have helped pave the way to a new understanding of equine nutrition. Low in sugar and starch, Speedi-Beet and Fibre-Beet can be found in numerous feeds and treats including Emerald Valley’s Beet Treats, SuperMash, SavvyMash and SpookyMash. A product of our own desires to find a healthy alternative to bran mashes, our mashes have been designed as both a treat and a nutritionally superior feed.
The sugars in our mashes are limited to ensure minimal amounts reach the hindgut to avoid negative fermentation products. The fiber levels are high and encompass the optimum profile of pectins and soluble fibers.
For generations, bran mashes for horses has always been considered a staple of good care. However in recent years, studies have shown that feeding bran mashes on a regular basis to horses is not good for the long-term health of the average horse.
One of the drawbacks of feeding a bran mash is if you over feed bran, there is the distinct possibility that it could decrease calcium absorption in the horses’ gut. The phosphorus in bran is in the form of phytate, which can actually dehydrate the horse. A recent Cornell study confirmed that bran mash actually REDUCED hydration, not increased it as horsemen were previously taught. Any perceived laxative effect was actually the result of digestive upset caused by the abrupt diet change.
Our mashes are created with Speedi-Beet and Fibre-Beet, providing a balanced combination of sugars, fibers and oil. Because of the higher levels of fibers in the mashes, it allows for fermentation to occur along the whole of the digestive tract. These mashes work like a pro-biotic ensuring a healthy happy horse. Say ‘good bye’ to feeding bran mashes and say ‘hello’ to good gut care with Emerald Valley Natural Health’s Bran FREE mashes.